In addition to running our LIFESAVERS lottery tote, and our various football activities, we occasionally hold fundraising events such as barn dances, supermarket bag packing, golf tournaments, charity football matches, coffee mornings and more. We also enjoy doing sponsored walks, runs, climbs and events.
We have enjoyed helping Macmillan Cancer Relief with their supermarket collections and we also do lots to support the Dementia Gateways and the Alzheimer's Society through Rise & Shine and our Walking Football.
If you would like to help with any of the above events, or if you would like to support us or get involved in any way, please contact Dave on 07742119011. Thank you.
We are continually searching for collectors and volunteers to help us with our lottery and charity events. If you can spare a few hours each week please contact us for more details.
Charity Events
Our Dementia Memory Walk around Mary Stevens Park in October was a lot of fun and a big success. Thank you to everyone who got involved. We raised £590 on the day for the Alzheimer's Society. Thank you.
Our charity football match verses Birmingham City All Stars was a huge success raising £1,700 for Macmillan Cancer Relief.
So a big thanks to everyone involved.
Our Charity Barn Dance for Barnardo's "Stop It Now Campaign" raised £739.
It was a real fun evening and many thanks to all who took part.
Our Golf Day at Great Barr Golf Club and raised £2,200 for Cancer Research. A record year. Thank you to everyone who played (even the hackers) and a big thanks to Great Barr Golf Club for their hospitality.
You may know that our walking football Chairman and lottery Promoter, Dave Thomas, has been in involved in some very energetic fundraising events in his time. He climbed up Ben Nevis for The British Heart Foundation. It took him nearly 7 hours and he says "never again", he ran the New York Marathon in for St John Ambulance (he nearly came last) and he also took part in the annual Tough Guy event and nearly died. He's a sucker for punishment.
Thank you to everyone who sponsored him.
Alzheimer's Society
0121 521 3021
Thank you to the Rise & Shine group for raising £590 through their recent memory walk around Mary Stevens Park.
Macmillan Cancer Relief
Kelly Edwards- 01527-579 575
Thank you Dave and Mike as ever for the ongoing voluntary help that you kindly give us with our supermarket tin collection days. You have literally helped us raise thousands of pounds and we're very grateful.
Thank you to the football team for helping raise nearly £2000 during their match with Birmingham City All Stars.
Thank you for your Coffee Morning Support, last year you raised £189, and we hope you can do similar this year. Thanks.
Also thank you for your lottery donations, your money goes directly to help people living with cancer.
And we're looking forward to the Barn Dance in July. Thanks.x
Barnardo's "STOP IT NOW" Lisa Barrett - 01384 561775
Thank you for your dedication and support for our cause. The £739 raised from the Barn Dance has helped us purchase a promotional DVD telling of the dangers of Child Sexual Abuse. Thanks to you and all your lottery members.
National Children's Home (NCH) S. Perkins
Thank you to the members of the LIFESAVERS lottery for your kind and regular support.
Your money has helped us buy some furniture for our new day care centre.
Thank you.
Kinver Volunteer Bureau.
Marilyn Beattie. 01384-872344
Dear Supporters, Many thanks for your regular support towards our Bureau.
Your support is nearly £1,000 and is helping some of the elderly folk in Kinver get out and about.
Cheryl & Philip Pearce. 01527 893960
Thank you very much for your regular support of our fund-raising events.
You helped us raise a whopping £1515. Thank you.
You're acknowledged on our website as the Sporting Hope.
Sadly Andy has since passed away, but thank you to everyone who helped.
Your continued support is helping us to continue our cancer support group. Thank you.
Dave Hampton
Thank you so much with your help and donations towards our Cancer Research & Paul fund-raising events.
With your help and the members of your lottery we have raised over £4,000. Wow. Thanks.
Your £2,000 donation has helped us purchase medical equipment to be used locally. Thank you.
Numerous other letters of thanks and appreciation are from good causes including
CANCER RESEARCH - RNIB - CHILDREN IN NEED - HELP THE AGED - NSPCC - BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION and many more from local individuals and groups who we have helped and supported.
Thank you to you, our volunteers, our lottery members and our event supporters, for your ongoing support, which enables us to continue our fundraising. You are true LIFESAVERS.
Registered Small Society Lottery since the Millennium Year 2000
Registered under the Lotteries & Amusements Act 1976 and the Gambling Act 2005
Lottery registration No. 1879
Registered for your privacy & security under the Data Protection Act No. Z7261330.